Coming Summer 2025 Format: Online Asynchronous Modules Registration Fee: $595 per participant Advancing Literacy Partner School Discount available. Group/Team Discount available for Non-Partner Schools (5 or more): 25% off the registration fee.
Please contact Foundational reading skills are crucial to students’ academic success. Reading success is linked to all aspects of children’s likelihood to thrive academically. Educators need a deep knowledge of research supporting oral language development, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension (the ‘Big 6’). They also need to ground classroom practices in culturally responsive pedagogies that affirm student identities and create communities of care. When educators understand these intersecting literacy needs, they can devise comprehensive, responsive instruction, and curricular adaptations, to move all students to reading proficiency.
To support educators’ understanding of the Science of Reading and foundational reading skills, Teachers College Advancing Literacy offers these modules, which will offer:
Examination of elements of foundational literacy, especially informed by Scarborough’s Reading Rope (2001) and Duke and Cartwright’s Active View of Reading (2021)
Exploration of research in oral language development, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension
Research-informed, culturally responsive practices and pedagogies
These six modules address the ‘Big 6’ skills and competencies of effective reading and writing, as well as culturally sustaining and responsive pedagogy. Teachers who complete these modules will understand key and current reading research, the relationship between reading and writing, and implications for classroom instruction. These modules will consist of recorded self-paced modules as well as interactive elements with a cohort of participants and feedback from Advancing Literacy instructors. Program of Study Through presentation, exploration of research, readings, practical suggestions for pedagogy, and self-assessment tools, the program’s modules will deepen participants knowledge of research and practice needed to support instruction in foundational literacy, including:
Overview of foundational literacy and science of reading, with consideration of Scarborough’s Reading Rope and Duke and Cartwright’s Active View of Reading
Exploration of research and practice in teaching phonemic awareness
Exploration of research and practice in teaching phonics
Exploration of research and practice in teaching fluency
Exploration of research and practice in teaching vocabulary
Exploration of research and practice in teaching comprehension
In all instructional practices, exploring culturally responsive pedagogies
In all instructional practices, exploring inclusive instruction that supports multilingual learners and neurodiverse students
Who Should Attend
These modules are open to teachers, learning specialists, school leaders - all educators who wish to deepen their knowledge of foundational reading and inclusive, responsive instruction.
These modules were designed and taught by staff and faculty at Teachers College, including the staff of Advancing Literacy, in collaboration with the Digital Futures Institute.
Units Awarded
Participants who complete all 6 modules will receive a Certificate of Participation from Teachers College Office of Continuing Professional Studies as well as 35 CTLE credits. (Attendees who are taking these modules for CTLE credit for NY State must enter their name exactly as it appears on the TEACH website in accordance with NYSED requirements.)
Learning Objectives
To deepen participant’s knowledge of research in foundational reading
To deepen the intersection of culturally responsive pedagogies and foundational reading instruction
To equip educators to adapt curricula, devise instruction, and study assessment data to improve all children’s reading proficiency
To raise the level of teacher knowledge in order to empower educators to best meet the needs of all students